We provide high quality teaching in all fields of structural engineering, striving to educate highly qualified and responsible engineers ready to meet today's and future challenges in industry and society. Within the Bachelor and Master programs in Civil Engineering (CE) offered by D-BAUG, we are responsible for the education of all graduates who specialise in Structural Engineering. The faculty members themselves teach the vast majority of our courses, but industry experts offer selected courses, typically of a more applied nature.
In the Bachelor program, we offer the courses Theory of Structures I+II, Steel Structures I+II and Structural Concrete I+II, which are mandatory for all CE students. These courses provide all CE graduates with the structural engineering competencies required independently of their future studies, be they at ETH or elsewhere.
Structural Engineering is the most popular major within the Civil Engineering Master program offered by D-BAUG. We teach three mandatory courses in the Major in Structural Engineering (Theory of Structures III, Steel Structures III and Advanced Structural Concrete), as well as 23 elective courses.
Furthermore, we offer a large number of Bachelor's theses, Master projects and Master theses, thereby providing our students with a broad knowledge set and the skills to qualify them as competent structural engineers, while further motivating those interested to embark on an academic career path.